Sunday, June 3, 2012

First of all, I should probably apologize. The more observant among you may have noted that I haven't posted anything in more than two years. And I can only assume you've been saying to yourself, "Oh thank God, now I can go about my day to day life without having to worry about constantly being subjected to that pile of brain-rotting drivel that pops up in my Facebook stream every damn thirty seconds or so". To this I can only respond by saying that:

 A) The more observant among you are kind of a bunch of jerks. And:

 B) I would have posted more, but I ate a particularly large lunch in mid-March of 2010, and I've been waiting for it to properly digest before diving back into this crap.

As it turns out, the thing I was waiting to be digested may or may not have been an enormous tumor (it wasn't, but one cannot overstate the importance of gaining sympathy points) and so I have decided to risk certain death and/or indigestion by returning to this blog.

As we're now halfway through the year, I thought an appropriate return would be to analyze how I have so far fared with my 2012 New Years resolutions.


Not well.

What's that? Not specific enough for you? Well aren't you needy? Fine, let's analyze more specifically how I have so far fared with my New Years Resolutions.


RESOLUTION 1: Do Not Use Large Unnecessary Title Headings In My Blog Posts
Damn it! Well, that's what I get for not doing any research before writing this idiocy.

RESOLUTION 2: Get Out More
To be entirely honest, for the first five months of the year I misread this as "get off more", which is why if you've tried to contact me you may have reached a pre-recorded message informing you that I was busy in my basement renewing my subscription to (a site on the internet that features ACTUAL senior citizens having sex with ACTUAL horses that are ACTUALLY deceased, unlike those charlatans at  

RESOLUTION 3: Try To Be More Discreet About My Weird Sexual Proclivities
You know what, I give up. If God wanted me to make resolutions, he would have said so. Or, knowing God, he would have used an obscure Judaic carpenter's random babbling about being an incarnate deity to inspire people to write an unbearably long book with explicit details as to who begat who, a nice little fantasy chapter about a giant being killed by a sling, and an epilogue that features (NOTE: SPOILER ALERT) the complete destruction of everybody by some horseback riding ninnies throwing plagues back and forth like a beach ball at a concert I can't remember cause I was shrooming pretty heavily, to inspire me to realize that I should make resolutions. Also it would apparently inspire me to make loud proclamations about gays not marrying each other as if it was any of my business (which let me be clear, it isn't).

More to come later this week, with the triumphant return of Newsday Tuesday, unless, of course, I find something better to do.

-A. Burns

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